Is Sugar Addictive?

Sugar is likely the most over consumed substance in the modern world 1 On top of our endless addiction to soda (sugar water essentially) – sugar is surreptitiously added to nearly every processed food.2 As a result, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) now reports that the average American ingests 150-170 pounds of sugar per year.3 This overconsumption of sugar may very well be killing us. As I’ve previously written, sugar is the precursor and the ‘canary in the coalmine’ – to numerous diseases and unhealthy conditions. Diabetes? Check.4 Obesity? Check.5 Even Alzheimer’s has been directly linked to too...

New Study: Sugar Industry Downplayed the Impact of Sugar On Heart Disease for Decades

A newly published study revealed that in 1960 the sugar industry paid three top scientists from Harvard University to downplay the impact of sugar in the development of coronary heart disease1. While the link between sugar and heart disease is no longer surprising to anyone following the field of nutrition closely, the sheer brazenness of the past actions outlined in this new study can’t be underestimated. The study’s authors analyzed fifty years’ worth of internal sugar industry documents and found that for two decades, the industry, under the auspices of the Sugar Research Foundation, funded studies that downplayed the health...

Eating Disorders, Mental Health, And The Gut Microbiome

There are currently 30 million people in the United States alone who suffer from eating disorders,1 where the related science and mental health are overlooked in their diagnoses.2 3 A new study, published by the journal of Psychosomatic Medicine, found new evidence of an association between the gut microbiota and the eating disorder anorexia.4 Researchers (and more mainstream sources) are beginning to understand just how much impact our gut has on nearly everything in our body – including our brain.5 6 7 Since nearly 90% of the body’s serotonin is made in the digestive tract – what’s going on in...

Stop Settling For Pseudo Health And Say No To Pseudograins

The negative health repercussions of consuming grains has been covered to death, over the years. 1 2 3 I will not delve into the many issues with grains – suffice to say their problems have been well documented in many other pieces on this very website including the most recent Wheat Series. In fact, one of the seminal scientific research papers written by Dr. Cordain, “Cereal Grains: Humanity’s Double Edged Sword” magnified the many problems of grain consumption.4 Enough said. However, we are often asked about pseudograins, and if these might somehow be better to consume on a regular basis....

Is Your Brain Hardwired For Junk Food?

While the title of this article may at first seem implausible (and somewhat scary), a new scientific study seems to show that an inborn preference for junk food is not only possible – it may be affecting more of us than ever could have possibly been imagined. For the first time in history, researchers for Obesity Society have identified two genetic variants, which help to change how the brain responds to high-calorie foods.1 2 While this is potentially terrible news for those of us who struggle to resist highly processed and manufactured foods – it also means there is possibly...

How To Have A Paleo Christmas

When it comes to the holidays, it can be much more difficult to stick to your Paleo Diet. But – fortunately – there are many ways to “Paleo-fy” your favorite holiday meals. Today, I will be covering how you can transform a traditional Christmas dinner – into a much healthier one. Forget the empty calories of stuffing, rolls and pumpkin pie. Instead, say hello to some delicious sweet potatoes, free-range organic turkey and a large helping of brain-friendly vegetables! While your loved ones may be passed out on the couch after dinner, you will be energized, alert – and maybe...

Metabolic Syndrome And The Brain

Metabolic syndrome is an increasingly prevalent problem, not only in developed countries, but in developing countries as well.1, 2 The cluster of risk factors, which comprise metabolic syndrome, are usually thought to be strictly related to obesity.3 However, research shows that metabolic syndrome is correlated with severe cognitive dysfunction as well.4, 5 Risk factors for metabolic syndrome are defined as: raised blood pressure, dyslipidemia (raised triglycerides and lowered high-density lipoprotein cholesterol), raised fasting glucose, and central obesity.6, 7   So what exactly causes metabolic syndrome? Scientific literature suggests Westernization of diet is part of the problem.8 When we look at...

Neurobiology Of Sugar Cravings

The scientific basis behind the recommendation to cut out sweets for weight loss and overall health benefit is often overlooked.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Did you know that the more sugar you consume, the more you come to crave it?6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Or how about that eating sweet foods causes a reward in the brain and mesolimbic dopamine pathway?11, 12, 13, 14 The science behind sweet is surprisingly complex, and also paints these foods in a fairly negative light.15, 16, 17, 18 Gambling, shopping, cocaine, heroin, and alcohol – are all common addictions supported by salient science.19 But...

Eat More Protein For Better Health

New research affirms the hypothesis that protein is much more valuable than we may have previously thought.1 And, to many individuals’ surprise, plant protein seemed to be as beneficial as animal protein. In fact, eating more protein was just as effective as curbing the top four negative health behaviors including smoking, alcohol consumption, salt intake, and leading a sedentary lifestyle.2, 3 Consuming a Paleo diet – which is by nature high in protein, low sodium, and promotes leading an active lifestyle – is highly beneficial for overall health. The Paleo diet encourages introducing alternative proteins, animal and plant proteins alike,...

Not Your Grandmother’s Organic Food

In honor of National Farmers Market Week,1 it’s time we discuss how our food has changed in the past 100 years.2  From soil degradation,3  to fertilizer use,4 to pesticides,5 to genetically modified organisms (GMOs),6 and to why “organic and local” is always the best option.7 Soil erosion is one of the most serious environmental and public health problems facing human society.8 Studies show soil is being lost from agricultural areas 10 to 40 times faster than the rate of soil formation,9 which could be consequentially disastrous for the human race. Economically, soil erosion costs roughly $37.6 billion, annually.10 Another cause...

Is The 40 Hour Work Week A Thing Of The Past?

America is somewhat (in)famous for its “work hard, play hard’ motto,1 whereas Europeans typically work less and relax more.2 As America’s health rapidly declines, many Americans are starting to wake up and realize all those extra hours aren’t really worth it.3, 4, 5 One recent example of this is a Portland-based company Treehouse, who have started a 32 hour work week trend for their employees without slashing their benefits.6 Interestingly, they have found that employees are more productive on this schedule.7 We have to ask: is this feasible for everyone? Then there is the story of Ultra Romance – a 35...

The Reality Of Food Addiction: Recharged

In one of my post popular articles, I dove deep into the mire of just why so many of us are addicted to food. This subject is fascinating on both a molecular and individual level.1, 2, 3, 4  There are so many factors which go into food addiction.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 And most of them go totally unnoticed, to most people.14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 The pervasiveness of advertising, the purposely addictive nature of processed foods, and the stressful nature of modern life is just too much for most of us...

Obesity: The Pandemic You Can’t Afford to Capsize the Boat

Unfortunately, 70% of the United States is now overweight.1 And nearly half of that 70% is obese – a truly scary prospect for the future of our nation’s health.2 But despite this alarming obesity epidemic (technically it is a pandemic, because the entire world is suffering from this problem) there has never been more debate about what exactly is causing the issue.3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 While this article will cover specific transcription factors and antioxidant pathways, the big bullet points for...

The Inuit And The Paleo Diet

The Inuit have long been used as a shining example that low carbohydrate approaches to diet can work.1 2 3 4 In fact, traditionally they consumed very little vegetables or any other typically Western foods, and subsisted mainly on fish, sea mammals, and land animals.5 And despite this diet (which would horrify most mainstream dieticians) the Inuit traditionally had very low rates of disease.6 By contrast, the traditional Western diet has been correlated with a plague of health issues.7 8 9 As a further example of just how nutritionally poor the Western diet can be, one third of all cancer...

What Do Smart People Eat?

As should come as no surprise to those well versed in the fields of nutrition and neurology, high functioning people have different cellular functioning, brain cells, habits, and almost always – diets. The latter point is what I will be writing on today – what smart people eat. The subtitle to this point could be “what you can eat to help make yourself smarter.” In scientific terms – what can you eat to improve your cognitive functioning, cellular health and allow your mitochondria to operate at their full capacity? I will outline this topic very simply for you. There are...

Quit Getting Tricked Into Sugar

Sugar – is there a more popular word for dieticians and nutritionists? Interestingly, economists have also been talking about the pure white stuff – but in a different context than the standard ‘insulin and cravings’ discussions. A new piece in The Atlantic discussed just how much money is spent on selling Americans sugar, every single day of our lives.1 Though nothing truly shocks me anymore, in the sleazy world of processed food marketing, I was a bit taken aback to realize that Kellogg’s spent $32 million on advertising their (truly awful) Pop Tarts last year. With that money, we could...

The Truth About Food Addiction

Is food addictive? Anyone who has ever drowned their sorrows in a pint of Häagen-Dazs will already know the answer to that question. But I am interested in the actual SCIENTIFIC answer to that question. On a dopaminergic and cellular level, does food cause addiction? The answer, quite simply, is yes. But there are a myriad of variables that factor in to this equation. What CAUSES addiction to food? Is it simply overconsumption? Or is it something more? If we look at the clinical definition of “addiction,” we find that it means “the continued repetition of a behavior, despite adverse consequences”. Anyone...

Sugar Is Killing Us

It’s no surprise a vast majority of the world recognizes sugar is destroying our health and ruining our lives.1, 2, 3, 4 Over the last 30 years, we’ve seen disease rates skyrocket, alongside our climbing intake of sugar.5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Our concern for this creeping information wavers and takes a backseat to social media, “selfies” and celebrities.10, 11 The growing concern around sugar deserves not only immediate attention, but immediate action.12, 13, 14 Unfortunately, the roadblocks are endless.15, 16 The least of which, is the food industry itself.17 Take, for example, the makers of orange juice, a product...

How To Work Out With No Equipment

If you buy into the marketing, hype, and consumerism of modern society, you will no doubt think that you need a gym loaded with barbells, dumbbells, and tons of machines to get a good workout in. Well, just like following a Paleo diet disproves and goes against the grain, so does a Paleo-inspired workout. None of that equipment is needed to get in better shape. In fact, treadmills weren’t even invented until the 1960s, a mere 50-odd years ago! Hunting, gathering, and foraging kept prehistoric man in excellent condition and he didn’t have a globo gym. Well, what are the...

Schizophrenia And The Paleo Diet

If you have a loved one who suffers from the debilitating mental condition of schizophrenia, the quality of life is often very low.1, 2 With a growing rate of schizophrenia worldwide, any measures that may help improve this, should be considered.3, 4 Even more sadly, sometimes improvements in symptoms do not necessarily equate to a better quality of life.5 Cognitive impairment, however, can be correlated with perceived quality of life, where improved cognition could potentially lead to a better life in schizophrenics.6, 7, 8 Scientifically, it seems mental disorders, like schizophrenia, may be an issue of glutamatergic transmission.9, 10 Researchers...

Dietary Intake And Hormones

Many individuals are aware of the vast health benefits when they modify their diet and adopt Paleo.1, 2, 3, 4 However, much of that awareness stems from how we feel overall, not specific recognition of a body process or system.5, 6, 7, 8 However, the hormones secreted by our endocrine system has vast importance to our overall physical health, mental health, and well being.9, 10 Pediatric endocrinologist Dr. Robert Lustig has made quite a splash in the nutrition world, assuming a notable role in battling the current pandemic of obesity and disease, which we all face.11, 12 My hope is...

Boost Your Brain: Dopamine And Diet

There are many benefits of following a Paleo Diet.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6  The majority are aware of the physical effects of moving from a Western diet (full of processed foods, grains and sugar) to a Paleo Diet (rich with nutrients, anti-inflammatory fats, and healthy sources of carbohydrates).7, 8 However, most are likely unaware of the effects of diet on dopamine levels, and your brain.9, 10, 11, 12, 13 Numerous studies have examined the relationship, and all of the studies have fairly interesting results.14, 15, 16, 17, 18 One study showed mice fed a high fat diet during pregnancy...

Avocado’s Cancer Fighting Fat

If you’re eating avocados on a regular basis, you’re definitely on trend, but you may not be fully aware of their nutritional benefits and contents. Recently, brand new research revealed molecules derived from avocados could be effective in treating a specific form of Leukemia.1 Researchers filed a patent application for the use of avocation B, a compound found in avocados, to develop a lipid drug that combats acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Fighting occurs via specific targeting of the root of the disease – leukemia stem cells. With the existing body of scientific literature linking fruit consumption (yes, the avocado is...

Celiac Disease, Gluten And Children

Researchers posit introducing gluten at specific points of time during infancy development might be the key to celiac disease prevention. A few recent studies tested the hypothesis on an infant population who were genetically at risk for developing the disease.1 Di Sabatino A, Corazza GR. Coeliac disease. Lancet. 2009;373:1480–1493. For those unfamiliar, celiac disease is (very simply) defined as an autoimmune disorder, which is caused by a reaction to gliadin.2 Gliadin is a prolamine protein, which is found in wheat.3 Those with celiac disease are usually also sensitive to other proteins, which are chemically similar in structure.4, 5 World J...

Sleep Loss: Why It’s Making You Fat

As children, we never think about something as simple as sleep. We wake up in the morning, full of energy, and fall asleep soundly at night, with no problems to waver us from our slumber. However, as we age, many problems get in the way of a good night’s rest. Besides the startling fact that sleep loss is cumulative,1 chronic sleep debt results in vast changes of neurobehavior.2 Furthermore, individuals that believe they ‘adapt’ to sleep loss are only fooling themselves.3 Deficits in daytime performance due to sleep loss are experienced universally and associated with a significant social, financial, and...

What Exactly Are You Eating?

Many Americans subsist primarily on a processed food diet,1 and more importantly, they do not realize what exactly they’re consuming.2 In fact, a very important and so far, criminally under looked recent study, revealed consumers drinking soda were ingesting more fructose than labels showed.3 Many sodas, and other sweetened beverages, such as juices (which are almost entirely marketed and consumed by growing children4) list no high fructose corn syrup on the label. In the study, many of these drinks were found to actually contain more fructose than the beverages that did list it on the label. In fact, the lead...

4 Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Weight

Many people, every year, month, day, hour are trying to lose weight. And yet, more than ever before in history, we are becoming more and more obese. This is no accident. There are a myriad of factors which prevent people from losing weight, some you may be aware of and others not so much. Beyond that, why are we so obsessed with weight? There are more factors to this than you may realize, and we, as a society, have many reasons behind our body and image obsession. There are some scientific, some societal, and some personal reasons that all explain...

Eat This, Not That: Healthy Breakfast Foods

Breakfast can be the best meal of the day. But if you make a poor nutritional choice for breakfast, you’ll probably feel its ill effects all day long. [1] Unfortunately, chain restaurants and fast-food establishments rarely offer any healthy choices. Or worse yet, their healthy breakfast foods aren’t actually all that healthy. Many think that by ‘going Paleo,’ they’re saying goodbye to all of their favorite breakfast traditions. While avoiding grains can cause some small changes, many of your favorite breakfasts can be modified or recreated to fit the Paleo framework. Love Paleo breakfast recipes? Get our free breakfast recipe cookbook...

The Truth About “Calories In, Calories Out”

The traditional line of thought is that calories are all that matter. Nutritionists, dietitians, and doctors will all say this. But what the Paleo community understands is that this kind of thinking is flat out wrong. The Paleo community – if anything – swings too far in the other direction, saying that calories do not matter at all, which is not true either. The truth is somewhere in between, and the larger truth is that it is the type of calories we consume which matter most. Your body does not respond to all types of food equally. This has been...

The Difference Between Ceylon Cinnamon VS Cassia Cinnamon

Cinnamon – it’s one of the healthiest spices in the world and has been used as a traditional herbal medicine for centuries. (1) (2) However, there are different types of cinnamon – and they are not all created equally. That’s right – you may not be getting the true benefits of cinnamon at all, even if you do buy the small spice jar labeled “cinnamon.” There’s a big difference among the varieties due to a wide supply of cinnamon from around the world. Read on to recognize how to buy real cinnamon and avoid the junk. The History Behind Cinnamon The...

How To Live Paleo In The Digital Age

By now, we have all recognized that sometimes we spend far too much time on our computers and other digital devices. This runs in contrast to the very core idea of the Paleo concept of sunshine, natural food and face-to-face socialization. So what can we do to help us spend a little less time in the digital realm and a little more time participating in healthier activities? Today we’ll go over health tips about how to take breaks from social media, how to spend a little less time on the computer after work and how to get off your phone when...

Vitamin D: Are You Deficient?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, though its naming as a vitamin is actually factually inaccurate. Not only can most mammals synthesize vitamin D in adequate amounts, when exposed to enough sunlight, but it is synthesized in one part of the body, while acting in another. As far as obtaining vitamin D via food, very few foods actually contain vitamin D, especially in its physiologically active form, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D [1,25(OH)2D], which is also known as calcitriol. Originally discovered via investigation into the disease of rickets, which is the youth form of osteomalacia (softening of bones), vitamin D and recommending specific amounts, is quite a complicated...

25 Reasons To Be More Positive

It seems that as we age, it gets harder and harder to stay positive. Whether it’s stress from jobs, children, poor health, or any number of other factors, positivity can be hard to come by. And the more negative we get, the more we become entrenched in those self-destructive thought patterns. Being more positive can have a huge impact on your life – and here are 25 reasons why it’s worth giving it a try. 01. You Will Feel Better Even if your circumstances don’t change, simply being positive will make you feel better. Focus on all the great things...

The 13 Best Paleo Meal Delivery Services

Paleo meal delivery services have become increasingly popular during the last few years. With healthy eating on the rise, and the internet e-commerce world blossoming, we’re seeing a brand new batch of meal delivery services. While I love cooking at home, the convenience and huge amount of time saved by these meal services is priceless. But I will also admit I was a bit hesitant at first. The price, the unknown quality of ingredients—for a very precise eater, these were not issues I easily overcame. But what’s truly remarkable (and different) about these services is that you get extremely healthy food,...

How To Do A Stress-Busting 5 Minute Workout

As a writer/personal trainer/nutritionist/business owner, sometimes I have days where I simply have no time to make it to the gym. Okay, I OFTEN have days where I simply have no time to make it to the gym. Luckily, I can fall back on a “5 minute workout,” which is simple, fast, exhausting and effective. I have many clients who have high-stress lives, such as doctors, and they love these workouts as well. There are a few key steps which are integral to pulling these off effectively. Make Sure They’re For You I have had many clients, especially older ones...

Why Are Children Obese?

Why are children obese? In a single word: sugar. In three words: too much sugar. While it is easy to scoff at this problem or laugh it off, the truth is our world’s health and future depends on our children. Right now – more than ever before in recorded history – children are alarmingly obese. The statistics are astronomically high and unprecedented. To start with, childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years. That is not acceptable if we hope to survive as a species on this planet. Now, more than...

Magnesium Deficiency, Causes, And Why You Need More Magnesium

Most of my clients are shocked to learn that they are deficient in magnesium. But I’m never surprised: that’s because over 75% of them receive this diagnosis! A widespread addiction to coffee, a poor diet, large amounts of stress, and small amounts of sleep can all add up to a magnesium deficiency. The signs and symptoms of this deficiency can be unpleasant, but luckily, fixing this condition is very easy. The single best thing to do is to eat a magnesium-rich diet. The second best route is to supplement. Our Paleolithic ancestors had much more available to them as far as natural...

Zinc: Are You Getting Enough?

Many in the Paleosphere are familiar with the essential mineral zinc. However, they may not know much about it beyond its name. They may correlate it to the scientific periodic table of the elements, or in helping with the common cold. But zinc is in fact required for activity in over 100 different enzymes (1). Beyond that, it is also involved in DNA and protein synthesis (2), as well as supporting normal growth. For all of the above-listed reasons, as well as its involvement in numerous aspects of cell metabolism, deficiency in this mineral can be very problematic. It is therefore vital...

Why You Shouldn’t Avoid Cholesterol

For the entirety of my lifetime, cholesterol has been demonized, claimed as the worst thing in the world and something to avoid at all costs. I mentally put it on par with the Boogeyman and the reminder to “never take candy from strangers.” I grew up in a time where Snackwells, high sugar, low fat products began taking the world by storm. I remember the 1990s very vividly and remember the advertisements on TV after school that told me to consume lots of fruit juice and sugary sodas. When I began to learn that cholesterol was actually something essential to...

Why We’re Fat

It should come as no surprise to anyone walking the streets, eating in a restaurant, or simply interacting with other human beings, that we, as a world population, have never been fatter. While this fact is just brushed aside, scoffed at, and ignored…it shouldn’t be. Our ever-increasing waistline is breaking our healthcare system, and our economy. It should not be taken lightly. While no doubt there are a multitude of reasons why we are fat, many wrongly assume it is simply a hypercaloric diet (in layman’s terms, this means that we are simply eating too many calories). While no doubt...

Why You Need A Digital Detox

Have your thought about just how much time you spend in front of a screen per day? Think about all the devices, computers, television screens, speakers, artificial lights and other things that weren’t around even a hundred years ago. I personally know people who have to fall asleep with something digital, whether it’s music, a television show, or an eReader. How Did We Get This Way? Just a decade or two ago, we barely spent any time with these digital surfaces. Children played outside, they talked to each other face to face (no texting) and adults read books and slept...

5 Steps To Get Back In Shape

As a personal trainer, there is no more common question received than “how do I get back in shape?” Quite frankly, this is likely equivalent to a doctor being asked “how do I get better?” It is your main focus, main job requirement, and main reason why you go into a line of work. Getting people back in shape is not only interesting and revealing, it is also quite simple, as far as actual steps go. But like they say, “the devil is in the details.” Humans are not robots, and present many unique and interesting challenges. Schedules, stressors, spouses,...

5 Exercises You Should Start Doing

As a personal trainer, I constantly get asked (in my free time, nonetheless!) what exercises are “best.” While this is a highly variable question, which depends on the person’s health, injury status, stress level, and other individual variables, there are some “classic” exercises that tend to give you the most “bang for your buck.” While this list is highly debatable and subjective, this will be a good starting place for lots of individuals, especially those that may be time-crunched. The normal state of being these days is one of a sedentary, overweight, office worker. Is that how you really want...

How To Grow New Brain Cells

If you are not deeply ensconced in the scientific literature, particularly the field of neurology, the title to this article may seem preposterous, far-fetched, and straight out of a 1950s scientific fiction novel. But the startling fact is adults are FULLY CAPABLE of growing new brain cells, no matter how old they may be. As researchers somewhat understated in 2005: “the discovery that the adult mammalian brain creates new neurons from pools of stemlike cells was a breakthrough in neuroscience”. As was once traditionally taught in neurology, the human brain was thought to be “fixed,” meaning of course that once...

Paleo For Athletes

There are many different versions of a Paleo diet. From no-carb, to low-carb to a high-carb Kitavan-esque diet, there are many different ways to “eat like a caveman.” One of the most common ways to start exploring a Paleo lifestyle is via an athletic endeavour (usually CrossFit®). If you are a sedentary office worker, your nutrition needs will be different than someone who is active. When performing high-intensity exercise, there are some major differences, dietarily, that must be implemented in order to avoid a crash. But what are those differences and what makes them so important? “Paleo” Crash Course When...

10 Ways To Get In Shape

If you are overweight, tired, sick or just plain lazy – getting in shape can seem near impossible. But this isn’t the case. Getting in shape is like almost anything else in life – it takes practice and time. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never done anything athletic before – it can be learned. There are a plethora of reasons why you will want to get in shape, and avoiding disease is just one of them. Read on to find out how to accomplish this elusive goal. 1. Find A Partner This will be tough for those solo adventurers to...

Stevia: What It Is, Health Benefits & How to Use It

Not all sweeteners are created equal. There are tons of sugar substitutes competing to make their way into your beverages and food. Near the top of this list is Stevia, an FDA-approved sweetener, that claims to be 100% natural and zero calories. But does the hype live up to the truth? Sugar – we’re all eating way too much of it. [1] Of this, we are mostly indulging in refined sugar added to donuts, candy, and oftentimes, juice. It has become fairly understood that refined sugar is very harmful to both our health and waistlines. [2] As a result, there has been an incredible rise of...

8 Foods That Cause Acne To Avoid

Can eating certain foods give you pimples and breakouts? Turns out, we are HOW we eat! Change your eating habits by cutting out these eight foods for clearer and healthier skin! When it comes to acne, the debate in the scientific community rages on about whether diet plays a causative role. But what I can tell you from personal experience is that diet plays a definite role in making skin better or worse — at least for the large majority of us. So today I will be highlighting 8 foods that you may want to pull out of your diet...

9 Myths About Gaining Muscle That Cramp Your Workout

There are so many myths about gaining muscle, I could probably write a list of over 1,000 different things here. But for brevity’s sake, I will cut things off at 9. Rest assured, all the common ones you’ve heard from the “big guy” at your gym are likely untrue! That being said, it remains nearly everyone’s goal to gain muscle, and with 70% of the United States now overweight (and 30% obese) it is an admirable (and somewhat necessary) goal to have in mind. It’s important to strike out the myths, and stick to the facts. Remember in the 1980s...

Almond Milk: The Ultimate Guide

Is almond milk really healthy? Or an expensive “health“ food that might harm you? The pros and cons of almond milk – all you need to know. If you are short on time, this is our favorite brand of almond milk to buy. Almond milk has become a go-to healthy choice for many in the health and fitness community. This alternative certainly seems to be an improvement over the problematic category of dairy. But since it is a processed food, many questions still abound about its true nature. Is almond milk truly Paleo? Should you drink it on a regular basis?...

Top Shelf: The 6 Healthiest Coconut Water Brands

Coconut water has become as trendy as Nike shoes, Snapchat and Uber. But is it all it is cracked up to be? As with most things skyrocketing into the American collective conscious, there is some truth behind the craze, and some fiction. It is important, when dealing with one’s health, to really understand the details and reasons behind consuming trendy products. While many clients I’ve had have successfully changed their diet to include coconut water on a regular basis, just as many of them have bought into the over-hyped claims or consumed a kind of coconut water that leaves them...

Debunking The Milk Myth

Calcium: we are all told we need more of it. That’s why we should drink milk, right? Well, as many in the Paleo community know, this is actually not quite the case. Calcium — while a mineral completely necessary for life — is not the be-all and end-all that most media would have you believe. There are actually many misconceptions and misnomers around calcium, and milk consumption is just the first one. Did you know, for example, that the United States has one of the highest intakes of calcium – yet also has one of the highest rates of osteoporosis?...

9 Easy, Healthy Ways To Lose 10 Pounds

Weight loss. Is there a more common goal around the world? With 70% of the United States being overweight, and 30% of us now obese, it is also now an important health consideration. However, many of us fail to lose weight because we think it is a difficult, time-consuming and arduous process. But these beliefs are entirely untrue! Weight loss is actually very easy when approached correctly, and does not require much of a conscious effort on your part at all. That being said, it’s best to follow certain guidelines, as whatever caused you to gain weight in the first...

The 17 Unhealthiest Fast Food Items

Before you cruise to the drive-thru at 2am, you might want to think twice about those burgers and fries. We looked at the nutritional value of meals from every major fast food chain in America and found the 17 worst items to avoid if you want to keep your health in check. Fast food: everyone knows it’s bad for you. And yet, fast food consumption continues to skyrocket, with 1 in 4 Americans consuming some type of fast food every day. [1] In fact, Americans spend a whopping $100 billion per year on fast food. [2] This is an interesting paradox, because the organic...

8 Calorie Myths To Ditch Immediately

For the last 20 years, there has not been a more prevalent dogma in nutrition than the importance of calories. But are calories really that important? Should you really be counting every calorie you consume? Here’s the truth about the hype.  After helping thousands of people shed extra weight, I’ve seen some pretty common myths that still prevail about calories. Today I will go over the nine most common misconceptions, and why what you think about calories may actually be very incorrect. 1. It’s All About “Calories In vs Calories Out” This is probably the most prevalent myth that somehow still persists....

9 Science-Backed Reasons To Have More Sex

If you’re single and grouchy, there might be some science behind it. While sex has many different connotations, meanings and implications, the science behind it is the same. We all know to partake in regular physical activity to stay in better shape, lose weight, and reduce stress — but what about regular sex? The benefits of sex don’t just come from your floor-shaking orgasm — there is a long list of positive scientific benefits behind your favorite nighttime activity. When we are done with stress-filled days, we often feel we need some kind of release and comfort. Tend to reach...

Almond Flour: The Ultimate Guide

When it comes to Paleo, “flour” is a taboo word — conjuring up images of sugar-laden cupcakes and donuts. Good news: there are healthier, Paleo-friendly flours which can be used to create delicious baked goods and other treats! Today, we’ll introduce you to Almond Flour — the pros, the cons and how to use it. Since “flour” is technically any powder made from grinding a food, there are many different Paleo flours one can utilize. Some of the most common Paleo favorite flours include coconut flour, arrowroot, and almond flour. When it comes to almond flour, there are many benefits...

Avocado Oil: Health Benefits and Uses

Looking for healthy heart-friendly fats to add to your diet? Avocado oil might be the perfect choice, as it has numerous benefits for your health and beauty – and it tastes amazing! It’s becoming pretty well-known that the most commonly used cooking oils are downright terrible for our health. Those who follow a Paleo diet are most likely familiar with coconut oil as a healthy substitute. Interestingly, there are other healthy choices as well, though coconut oil still reigns supreme as your go-to cooking oil, since it won’t oxidize at low temperatures. But variety is the spice of life, so it’s...

5 Shocking Toxins Hiding In Your Beef Jerky (And How to Avoid Them)

Do you know what’s hiding in your beef jerky? The awful truth is, far too many toxins and food addivites. Spotting them and avoiding them are key for your health! When it comes to beef, not all cuts are created equal. A poor quality piece of beef is one of the most unhealthy things you can be eating, in fact. But by contrast, a grass-fed piece is one of the top forms of protein. If you aren’t careful you can end up eating all kinds of food additives – chemicals added to food that can be harmful – without even...

Here’s What Clutter Does To Your Brain (And How To Fix It)

Are you depressed? Are you also disorganized? It turns out that these two (seemingly) unrelated problems may be much closer in causality than previously thought. Recently, many books tackling these topics — such as The Life-Changing Magic Of Tidying Up — have become massively popular. Why is this? Well, it turns out that clutter can sometimes be a symptom of depression — and vice versa. Personally, I always like to be organized. I feel less in control and less happy when there are dirty dishes all over the counter, or many things strewn about. Interestingly, there have even been articles...

The Natural Benefits Of Grass-Fed Butter

Some of the most interesting cultural (and culinary) changes in the first 16 years of this century have been overturning popular, sustaining myths. Case in point: butter. For many years, it was considered one of the worst things to be eating on a regular basis. This largely stems from the heart disease epidemic, which began around 1930. [1] Heart disease is still one of the world’s leading causes of death. [2] Around the 1950s, with the popularity of Ancel Keys, a nutritional researcher, came the idea that foods like butter, meat, and eggs were the problem. [3] The problems were...

9 Easy Ways To Make Your Coffee Healthier

Coffee: since 54% of Americans over the age of 18 drink this delicious beverage on a daily basis, some education on making coffee healthier is in order. Unfortunately, a large majority of coffee drinkers are continually adding to their waistlines by drinking popular coffee store versions — which are typically loaded with tons of extra calories and sugar. If consumed properly, coffee can actually aid in weight loss, so it makes sense to avoid the artificial creations made in stores. Or, if you still really need to get your coffee from a retail store, you can learn just how to make that...

Vitamin K2: The Powerful Nutrient Missing From Your Diet

Vitamin K2: not many people know much about about it. But it may be one of the hidden vitamins that can vastly improve your overall health. The most substantial benefit may be a decreased risk of developing prostate cancer. (1) This overlooked vitamin also helps to protect against heart disease. (2) But despite these health benefits, vitamin K2 still remains fairly obscure. In fact, many barely know anything about vitamin K1, let alone K2. A common misconception about K2 is that it performs the same roles as vitamin K1. In reality, the two could not be more dissimilar. To start with,...

How To Lose Weight Without Exercise

Exercise. You know that common notion that “you have to work out to lose weight?” Turns out, you don’t have to break a sweat at the gym to shed pounds. (1) Discover how to lose weight without exercise with our step-to-step guide below. You can thank us later. Now, let me preface this with the notion that adding exercise to a weight loss diet and routine will certainly help you lose some extra pounds, and it will certainly make you more muscular. So, for most people, adding in some exercise makes sense. But if you’re not able to exercise, or tend to avoid the...

Truvia: The Pros And Cons of This Healthy Sweetener

With more and more Americans suffering from type 2 diabetes, many know they need to cut down on their sugar intake. Since sugar is addictive, and many of us are addicted, the sugar substitute products have come in and taken quite a large share of the sweet market. However, with new products cropping up all the time, and very few (if any) long-term studies done, you start to wonder how safe these products really are. And—on top of that—if they are a good choice to aid in weight loss and general health improvement. The second most popular sugar substitute currently...

5 Health Benefits Of Drinking Lemon Water

What healthy beverage is easy to make, has almost zero calories, keeps your skin rejuvenated, aids in digestion, and helps with weight loss? Cue in: lemon water! Although this simple drink has been around for centuries, lemon water is the newest trend in health and fitness circles. So what’s the truth? Is it a cure-all, or just another fad? Lemon water is packed with a variety of health benefits and is extremely easy to make, making it a great choice for beginners. Lemon water aids with digestion, and may even help with weight loss. [1] On top of that, it’s...

The Truth About Fish Oil

Before the late 1990s, most of us had likely never really heard about fish oil. However, the scientific research over the last 15 years has definitively shown that fish oil has many benefits. The anti-inflammatory properties, the heart-healthy qualities, the cognitive boosts — fish oil is truly the one supplement from which nearly everyone can benefit. However, there has been an increasing amount of research which shows that fish oil may not be all that it is cracked up to be. But is this evidence viable? Scientific research is notoriously difficult to decipher. Interestingly, one of the key tenets of...

20 Cancer-Fighting Foods That Naturally Protect You

Some of the best scientific research on cancer says that preventative rather than reactive treatment is one of the best ways to lessen your odds of getting cancer. One of the best measures of defense is our lifestyle, as outlined in the scientific research. Everything you do, whether it’s not sleeping enough, exercising regularly, smoking, drinking alcohol, eating poorly—constitutes your lifestyle. Unfortunately, cancer also is impacted by our genetic makeup—which we are born with. What we do have control over, however, is epigenetics. Epigenetics can be over-simplified to mean “how your environment and choices impact your genes.” This can be otherwise...

How Too Much Sugar May Increase Your Risk of Alzheimer’s

For the entirety of my life, the standard diet recommended for most Americans has been a high-carbohydrate diet. By nature, this tends to increase our sugar consumption, since most of us do not opt for less sweet foods. On top of that, the processed food companies have quietly been adding sugar to nearly every food—making it nearly impossible, for example, to buy a loaf of bread without added sugar. At the same that this was occurring, Alzheimer’s rates have skyrocketed, as have obesity and the underlying metabolic syndrome. At first, this seemed to perhaps only be a coincidence. But as...

What Are Legumes?

In the Paleo world, grains (specifically gluten) get the most attention as a food group to avoid. Undoubtedly, the next is dairy – which some dieters actually do consume – if they follow a more primal template. However, the little-mentioned third cousin in this story is legumes. Generally much less problematic than grains or dairy, many look at legumes as somewhat favorable, or at least fairly harmless. In the ever-enlarging nutrition world, the Weston A. Price Foundation says legumes are okay to eat as long as they are properly prepared to improve digestibility. This means soaking, sprouting, and/or fermenting the legumes, in...

What Is The Most Anabolic Thing You Can Be Doing?

and late-night television commercials all of which try to sell you one thing: more muscle growth. The idea of increased anabolism (the synthesis of more complex substances from simpler ones) has been a supplement maker's and pyramid-scheme creator's ideal target for many years now. And it won't be going away anytime soon“ as we continue to get increasingly fatter and less healthy. Anabolism can mean different things, but the context in which we are referring to here, refers to muscle growth. Entire bodybuilding websites, books, videos and supplements prey on the naivety of the average consumer and they rake in millions...

What You Need To Know Before Going On A Ketogenic Diet

For a variety of reasons, the ketogenic diet has gained a large amount of popularity in recent years. From Dr. Perlmutter's best-selling Grain Brain, to Bulletproof Coffee, to the emergence of the bodybuilding community widely using ketogenic diets to help attain very low levels of body fat before physique competitions, the diet's visibility has never been higher. That being said, there are many misconceptions about this approach to eating, and many questions for which even scientific experts still do not have all the answers. What Is It? The ketogenic diet is quite simply the opposite of everything you've been told...

What You Never Knew About Caffeine Consumption

I have had a love/hate relationship with caffeine for the better part of the last seven years a short time frame, no doubt, compared to the more devoted coffee drinkers among us. But in that time I've learned quite a bit about the compound known as 1,3,7 trimethylxanthine and it's not all pretty. In the grand continuum of drugs, caffeine is seen as mild, and with good reason. Compared to the effects of drugs such as cocaine and heroin, caffeine affects the brain in much less severe ways. Which is why it might come as a surprise that caffeine is...

Why You Need Vitamin A

Vitamin A is absolutely vital for a variety of reasons, yet many know almost nothing about it. Did you know that vitamin A is in fact not one vitamin, but a broad group of related nutrients? To start with, there are retinoids, which are found in animal foods, and then there are carotenoids, which are found in plant foods. However, the complexity of vitamin A doesn'™t end there. Different Kinds In the retinoid family we have retinol, retinal, retinoic acid, and retinyl esters. The carotenoids are further broken down into 2 classes, carotenes and xanthophylls. The carotenes consist of alpha-carotene,...

Why A Ketogenic Approach To Nutrition Is Ideal

Since Bulletproof Coffee and Grain Brain have become almost as popular as twerking, the ketogenic diet has also, synergistically, taken off in popularity. There are many uninformed people who try this diet “ and they end up feeling pretty horrible. Once you understand the science behind this approach, especially when it's done incorrectly, you'™ll understand why this happens, why you might want to do it, and how to do it properly. Continue reading this article on Breaking Muscle

Why You Should Avoid Holiday Meals

(which almost no one loses throughout the rest of the year)? And what, exactly, makes these meals so poor and tempting? Hopefully I'll answer those questions and many more in this article, showing you why you should avoid holiday meals. Reason #1: Nutrient Density (Or Lack Thereof) As I've written on before, there are many overlooked foods, all of which are PACKED with nutrients. Conversely, traditional holiday meals are packed with empty calories. Lots of foods, lots of colors, lots of textures and temptation and very little nutrition. If one were to devise the best way to easily GAIN weight...

Why You Literally Are What You Eat

We ate a lot of processed food, drank soda, and were fairly unaware of the benefits of a proper diet. I still remember ordering my daily pizza stix from the lunch line at my school cafeteria! The public awareness of organic food, a low-carb lifestyle, and the general principles of healthy eating were not espoused like they are today. The question is, since we now know how beneficial or detrimental diet can be to your health, how much damage did we do? You are what you eat, quite literally. The American diet is unhealthy for a variety of reasons, but is it...

You Should Sit Less And Sleep More

The title of this article, speaks for itself. However, interestingly more and more current research is showing just how dangerous sitting and not getting enough sleep, can compromise our health, even to a molecular level. And yet, how many of us sit all day? How many of us don't get enough sleep? Instead we stay up late on social media, constantly staring at blue light, or even filtered light. We sit at our desks and say “I’ll incorporate that treadmill desk, someday. Well, our habits determine who we are and who we become. If you don't start now, you likely...

Your Microbiome And Obesity

There has been a plethora of interest in the human microbiome as of late. In fact, barely a week ago, a new study was published, which showed that mice who drank water (laced with huger-suppressing bacteria) ate less, had lower body fat, and staved off diabetes – even when consuming a poor diet.1 This is just the latest of many potential breakthroughs made in the last few years in regards to the microbiome. Though this breakthrough is specific to obesity, there are many unique and diverse links made to the types of bacteria found within our gut.2, 3, 4, 5,...

9 Incredible Metabolism-Boosting Foods

Good news: Boosting your metabolism doesn’t have to be as hard as you think. Here are nine common foods which can easily help to rev up your metabolism! Keep in mind (of course) that following a healthy exercise plan and overall diet is also vital to boosting your metabolism – especially in the long term. Interestingly, if you were to refer to most guides which recommend metabolism-boosting foods, they will recommend you consume foods which are high in anti-nutrients, and low in bioavailable protein. Whether this is due to a vegan bias, or lack of scientific rigor, the real truth is...

13 Tips To Maximize Brain Power

When we look to fill up our plates, are we driven by hunger, taste or science? If you were to ask most people, I doubt many would answer with “science.” Often, life blocks our true path to health with stress – whether it is from our family, jobs or lifestyle. But one thing you truly have control over – no matter what stress and challenges you face – is what you put in your mouth. Food can be many things – aphrodisiac, friend, enabler and necessity. But it can also be a tool, a way to help you function your...

Here’s What Paleo Will Look Like in 10 Years

The origins of the Paleo diet go back quite far. In addition to Dr. Loren Cordain (the recognized head of the Paleo movement), we have Dr. Boyd Eaton, who pioneered a lot of the Paleo concepts. This once-obscure concept is now a worldwide phenomenon. Despite starting out as a fairly anti-commercial approach, the commercialization of the Paleo diet is now in full swing. We have Paleo processed food bars, thousands of books – all the trappings of every other “big” diet. Is this congruent with the original Paleo diet concept? Maybe this kind of thing just happens to all good...

Dietary Fat And Your Brain

Did you know there is no such thing as an essential carbohydrate? That’s right — you don’t need carbs at all! However, there are definitely essential fats (technically, essential fatty acids). Knowing which fats belong in your diet is essential to your health – as much as water is! Yet many people go “low-fat” or think that fat will make them fat (hint: it won’t). Your brain needs fat — not only to survive, but to thrive! Your mitochondria (think of these as your cell’s energy factories) need fat to keep everything in your body and brain going! In fact, ketogenic diets remove all carbohydrates and...

7 Surprising Facts About Fruit

Fruit is one of the healthiest food choices you can make – but which fruits are the best? This is a question I am often asked by my clients, and with good reason. There is a lot of misinformation out there, and since fruit is still fairly high in sugar, it is in your best interest to consume the best ones. Our culture certainly pushes some choices above others. Bananas, apples, fruit juices – are these pushed because they are the best, or are these pushed because we have a surplus of them? Do these fruits’ high sugar content make...

9 Ways To Beat Chronic Stress

As the very fabric of our society has changed, we have all become more stressed. In fact, the data all shows that we are all stressed like never before. We have more options (some would say too many options), many responsibilities, a digital life to manage, a real life to manage, a job (or two), children, television shows – you can see what I mean. But stress is also one of the most destructive things for our body – especially chronic stress, which is small, but constant. And guess which category all of the aforementioned stressors fall into? That’s right...

9 Reasons To Ditch Bread And Pasta

Carbohydrates are a tricky topic. Whether it is carb bashing, carb loving or just over-carb-sumption, the Internet is full of different opinions and theories. The answer may actually lie somewhere in the middle (as with most things), as neither extreme seems to end in long-term success. We have been consuming a carb-heavy diet for a long time now, even though our Paleo ancestors certainly did not eat this way. Bread and pasta are two foods which are beloved in the American diet, but 70% of the United States is now overweight (with 30% being obese). That is 78 million people...

The Ultimate Guide To Probiotics

Up until the last 5-10 years, many people did not know what “probiotics” were. I certainly didn’t. They probably weren’t familiar with “good” bacteria and “bad” bacteria. They likely did not know the term “microbiome” or what actually was in their yogurt. But thanks to science (and some healthy marketing), probiotics are now fairly mainstream, which is a good thing. What is probably most fascinating to me is that nearly all of us were taking antibiotics during this time – but we likely never stopped and wondered if there were good bacteria, too! Since I receive questions on a daily...

The Effects Of TV On Your Brain

If that isn’t a scary statistic – I don’t know what is. Granted, this number is obtained by averaging some people (like myself) who do not watch any television, with those (mostly elderly) who may watch 10 hours a day. But the true question remains – what are the consequences of all this television? Is it a good thing for us to be doing? Common sense clearly says no; it definitely is not. But what does the scientific data say? What most people are not aware of is that television viewing has been proven to affect verbal abilities and other...

Vitamin B12: More Important Than You Realize

You may only be modestly familiar with it, but certainly your cells are not  since B12 is involved in the metabolism of every cell in the human body. Deficiency of B12 is akin to going crazy quite literally, since it is linked to psychosis. It is found in a variety of foods though, so rest assured that it is fairly easy to get enough. However, deficiency rates are much higher than they should be, and they are especially common among vegans and vegetarians. This is also true of pregnant women. So, read on about how, and why, getting enough vitamin B12...

Vitamin E: Facts You Need To Know

land at the top of the queue. Vitamin C, vitamin D, maybe some of the B vitamins. However, one usually forgets about vitamin E – if they ever think about it in the first place. This is a shame, because vitamin E is a potent antioxidant that has been shown to help with aging, among other vital processes. Vitamin E is present in a wide variety of foods, which makes it all the more surprising that most US adults fail to come close to getting their required daily amount. Acting as a powerful, fat-soluble antioxidant, vitamin E also helps protect...

The Best Time To Exercise

just a little bit neurotic, will routinely ask “what’s the best time to exercise?” This may seem a tad bit silly, but believe it or not, there have been many studies conducted with each trying to “prove” certain times of the day may provide better results than others. For example, the American Council on Exercise completed a study which seemed to show that exercisers who worked out right after waking seemed to be slightly more consistent and regular with their routine. But is this just splitting hairs? Does it really matter when you exercise? Shouldn’t performing some kind of exercise...

The Dangers Of Iron Deficiency

If you guessed iron deficiency – you are correct. Iron is one of the most important elements in the human diet, and yet many know almost nothing on the subject. Did you know that most Americans get their daily dose of iron from fortified breakfast cereals? Does this strike you as surprising? What did we eat before this? And what do those who avoid grains eat to obtain their iron? What is iron’s role in hemoglobin? And what is iron’s role in anemia? Can we tell if we’re not getting enough of this vital mineral? Are there different forms of...

The Dark Side Of The Food Industry

in the health, fitness and nutrition industry, we find ourselves splintered off, into tiny sections, subsections and niches. While the monetary rewards and competitive market may deem this necessary, this line of thinking substantially hurts the Paleo community’s overall power.   Collectively we can recognize, organize, harness, and use our power to reform the many apparent dangers and problems of the U.S. food industry. The ills of the industry are vast. And the food industry, unlike citizens, is protected by lobbyists, politicians and corporations. History has a way of repeating itself. If we look to the tobacco industry that publicly touted little...

The Deceptive Marketing Practices Of Big Food

It is not just in adults“ we now have obese teenagers and obese children. We even have obese infants. What has brought about such an abrupt change in our world's health? What has made the average reference point for American culture a diseased, sick person? We didn'™t used to be like this. In fact, even 60 years ago, we were a relatively healthy nation (okay âexcept for the smoking). The human body has changed very little if at all in this time frame. So what has changed? Well, for starters, our environment has changed almost completely. What were once open...

The Effects Of Food On Your Brain

your brain are vast. Aging, anti-aging, weight loss, weight gain, diabetes, leptin resistance  these are only some of the effects which food has on our brain. Yes, all of these conditions have vital elements that take place in your brain – not just in your body. Eating sugar, especially in excess, has widespread negative health effects. High blood sugar levels (caused by too much sugar in the diet) have been directly correlated with increased risk for dementia. Too much sugar also leads to insulin resistance, followed by leptin resistance – another condition that takes root in your brain. Chronically elevated...

The Paleo Diet And Autism

The word “autism” conjures up a number of different images, which vary widely depending on the person. Traditionally thought of as a very debilitating disorder of neural development, the public awareness of autism has grown and expanded with time. With the elimination of Asperger’s from the DSM-5, and its replacement with just ‘autism’ (with accompanying degrees of severity); patients now vary widely, from barely functioning to highly functioning. This fascinating condition has no cure, and its causation, and/or mechanism of action, remains a mystery. Humans with autism typically exhibit impaired social skills, apparent lack of empathy for others, and repetitive...

The Perfect Teeth Of Hunter-Gatherers?

There are many widely recognized benefits of The Paleo Diet, many people assume that modern dental advances likely improved our teeth. However, anyone familiar with the scientific literature, will know that, in fact, the exact opposite is the case. Hunter-gatherers exhibited low levels of dental caries, often had wisdom teeth that fit into their jaw, and, despite a complete lack of toothbrushes, toothpaste and dental floss had good periodontal and gum health. How can this be? Well, in one word, the answer: carbohydrates. Or, more accurately, lack of carbohydrates. Dental caries are also known as tooth decay, or cavities. One...

The Reality Of Food Addiction

On a scientific level, can food be addictive? The short answer, is yes. Food addiction is widespread, from the increasing obesity pandemic, to junk food marketing slogans like I bet you can't eat just one, to the global popularity of coffee chains. But what makes food addictive? There are many factors involved, as humans are not only highly individualistic (what may be addictive for me, may not be addictive for you), but our environment has become hyper-stimulatory and obesogenic. Couple this with the fact processed foods have long-since been manufactured to promote overconsumption, and you have a recipe for disaster....

The Science Behind Going ‘Nuts’ On Nuts

While I agree with the concept of moving subjects from heavily processed, nutrient empty foods such as Lean Cusines®, to more natural foods like nuts, this approach can still result in problems. It is all too common for many to over-do their nut intake, leading to plateaus in weight loss, acne, digestive issues and other problems. But lets first define what exactly qualifies as a nut, since there are some common misnomers among the general populace. Nuts: Acorn/Oak, almond, Brazil, candlenut, chestnuts, coconut, hazelnut, filbert, kola, macadamia, pecan, pili, pine, pistachio, soynut, walnut. Not Nuts, But Actually Legumes: Peanuts, cashews. The technical...

The Science Of Sugar

Scientific foundation behind the common advice to “cut out sweets”, when looking for optimal health and maximum fat loss, is frequently overlooked. For example, did you know that the more sugar you have, the more you come to crave it? Is Sugar Addictive? How about the fact that eating sweet foods causes a change in brain chemistry, and alterations in the mesolimbic dopamine pathway? The science behind sucrose paints these foods in a pretty negative light, and the process behind sweet foods being ingested is actually astonishingly complicated. Other vices, like gaming, shopping, cocaine, heroin, and booze – and why...

The Truth About Carbs

Carbs are controversial in the diet and nutrition world. While there is technically no such thing as an essential carbohydrate, humans have shown a proclivity toward consuming them – and even being addicted to them, if those carbohydrates are largely sugar and/or wheat. This is controversial, because increased carbohydrate intake has been linked to dementia  perhaps the world's greatest collective medical fear. Adding to the controversy is the obesity pandemic we are currently in. If we leave out carbohydrates (some will argue) – we will be healthier and happier. But is this an oversimplification? The answer is not clear. Which...

The Truth About The U.S. Healthcare System

health. I know how ridiculous that concept sounds but after having trained over 100 people and mentoring countless others, I know that it is a cold, hard fact. And if one looks to the scientific data, they actually find not only confirmation of this hypothesis, but further evidence that things are very, very bad in regards to our own concern about personal health. For example, did you know that individual healthcare in the U.S. costs about twice as much as it does in the rest of the developed world? Or that if the three trillion dollar U.S. healthcare system were...

Supplements On A Paleo Diet

However, as the Paleo movement has grown, Paleo lines of supplements have popped up, and certain issues have become more prevalent, i.e. gut health. This means that supplementing on a Paleo diet has become more popular. Whether it's Robb Wolf and Chris Kresser's Paleologix line, SFH™s fish oil, Green Pastures fermented cod liver oil, or Prescript-Assist, all kind of products are commonly recommended to followers of the Paleo prescription. Are Supplements Necessary? First, I will quote Mat Lalonde (Ph.D in organic chemistry at Harvard) here. His view on supplementation… In my opinion, multi-vitamins are totally useless.  Vitamin D3 is useful for those...

The Truth About Visceral Fat

we ‘really need to lose those last 10 pounds’. But this is actually not the true reality of what is going on, deep inside the nether regions of our body, within our cells and organs. Subcutaneous fat is what we are pinching, but visceral fat is what is killing us. All those donuts have to go somewhere, and because they are loaded with sugar, those donuts likely cause us to gain visceral fat. But what exactly is this fat, which we can’t see? And why is it so detrimental? Today I will explain this little-known concept, and hopefully you can...

The 7 Best Ways To Build Muscle

how they can build muscle. Though the answers are deceptively simple, they are much harder to put into practice. Therefore, as you read through this article, I want you to come up with a solid plan on how you want to implement these muscle building tips. You're already here clearly you want to add some sexy muscles to your frame – take it seriously and make it happen! All kidding aside, the best ways to build muscle are time-tested and fairly straightforward. But it is consistency which will make all the difference here and patience. 1. Eat Protein There is nothing...

Spinach – The Best Food You’re Not Eating?

Of the many nutrient-dense vegetables, spinach is one of the best. And we all need to increase our vegetable intake. Based on the data, broccoli, kale and spinach seem to be the top 3 veggies to eat, as far as antioxidant and potential anti-cancer properties go. Yes, you read that correctly: these vegetables have (potential) anti-cancer properties. Why you should eat spinach If that doesn't make you put down that candy bar (it's okay“ I know it looked really good at the time) and load up your plate with some vegetables - I don'™t know what will. In fact, the...

Leaky Gut: Fact Or Fiction?

Leaky Gut means that there is an issue with intestinal permeability, the more technical name for “leaky gut.” About 75% of your entire immune system is located in your gut. Roughly 90% of your serotonin (a monoamine neurotransmitter) is also made in your gut. This helps explain the link between a “leaky gut” and depression as well as a host of other conditions, like anxiety. How does your body protect you from “bad things”? Well, your intestinal wall has immune cells, which help protect against many harmful pathogens. Should this wall have issues, your liver is your next line of...

Mind Your Microbes: Gut Health

I have a gut feeling that things are about to become much more interesting in the science world.1, 2, 3 As researchers continue to discover more and more exciting news about just how our microbiomes can uniquely identify us, change our food cravings, and alter our health, we must continually realize the importance of keeping a ‘healthy gut’.4 While this phrase has become increasingly popular in the mainstream world of health, many still do not realize exactly is meant by having ‘good gut health’. Perhaps more troubling – they have no idea how to obtain it. A Paleo diet will...

Low-Intensity vs. High-Intensity Exercise

Nowadays, it's all the rage to partake in high-intensity exercise, which is short in duration and large on the sweat. But as is the case with most trendy things, the hype is not all it seems. Low-intensity exercise has plenty of benefits, and may even be truer in form to the kind of activity our Paleolithic ancestors regularly undertook. That being said, there are definitely some benefits to short sprinting sessions and keeping your heart rate pegged for a period of time. There is little doubt that if you want to improve your speed and power, high-intensity exercise is definitely the...

New Year, New You: Tackling Your New Year’s Resolutions

What is the reasoning behind this? Why is a new calendar year required for most of us to start really caring about our health and weight? And why can'™t we keep these resolutions? There's a multitude of factors at play here, and most of the clichés about New Year's resolutions are actually quite accurate. So what’s stopping you from achieving your goals this year? Is it lack of time? Lack of discipline? Poor planning? Or is it simply trying to do too much? Find out below! Cliché The standard cliché of New Year's resolutions is that they never last. Usually...

Meditation’s Positive Change To Your Brain

Some of us meditate everyday (or at least try to). Even if we don™'t, we know the general benefits associated with the practice. Decreased stress, more focus, and better sleep“ all the things endless yoga advertisements love to tout.1, 2 However, research by a Harvard University neuroscientist has shown that meditation actually changes your brain a truly remarkable find.3, 4, 5 Though it may take some time for the changes to take effect, long-term meditators have been shown to have a larger amount of gray matter in the insula and sensory regions of the brain, as well as the auditory...

Not So (Artificially) Sweet

New research shows sugars specifically activate six neurosecretory cells in the brain, which produce Dh44, a homolog of the mammalian corticotropin-releasing hormone.4, 5 Artificial sweeteners do not activate these same cells possibly leaving the brain in a half-finished reward state – potentially leading to more calories being taken in.6, 7 Another issue with artificial sweeteners is they are typically much, much sweeter than sugar. Just how much sweeter are these manmade creations? Most artificial sweeteners are 200-400 times sweeter than regular table sugar!8 Many researchers argue this leaves the brain expecting a plethora of calories, and also disrupts the brain's...

Nucleus Accumbens – Your Brain On Food

"Accumbens nucleus’ or the ‘nucleus accumbens septi’, is a part of the human brain. It is in the forebrain, and is also part of the basal ganglia (the part of your brain that generates movements, and is also involved in cognitive function, as well as dealing with emotional actions). Neuronal responses happen without our involvement, meaning they are subconscious. One of the best illustrations of a neuronal response to dietary elements is Ivan Pavlov’s Nobel prize-winning work dealing with what he referred to as ‘psychic secretions’. Pavlov determined that his dogs, which were fed at certain intervals, would start secreting...

Nutrition Divided: Low-Fat Vs. High-Fat Diet

The amount of debate in the nutrition field has never been greater.1, 2, 3 As Americans (and everyone in the world) gets progressively more obese, we seem to be digging into our respective trenches, saying this diet or that diet will cure all ills’.4, 5 This is a sad waste of resources, and a little bit irresponsible, especially in a field where the endgame should be helping people – not furthering one’s own agenda. Sure, you may say I'm biased as well, writing this piece for The Paleo Diet. But the bottom line is, I care about people’s health more...

Omega-3 Vs. Omega-6: Rethinking The Hypothesis

When you're eating a meal, you'™re probably not thinking about macronutrients, like carbohydrates, fats and proteins. The vast majority of individuals following a Western diet aren't consciously thinking is this food essential to the human body? It is important to note, however, that while there is no such thing as an essential carbohydrate,1 there are essential fats. Essential in the sense that the human body cannot make these fats endogenously, and therefore, must be obtained via diet or supplementation. Within the class of essential fats, we have omega-3, which has different forms such as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). However, omega-3...

Paleo Protein Bars: What’s The Honest Truth?

undoubtedly you mention that there is to be no consumption of processed foods, such as protein bars; this is one of the key tenets of the Paleo diet. However, as the Paleo diet has grown and developed it has been monetized. This happens in every formerly underground niche. Once you reach a certain level of success/notoriety, you are no longer underground. And we all know what that means cash grabs, gimmicks, sub-par information, flat-out lies, and vastly distorted concepts and principles of something that was once supposedly pure™. This is, in my opinion, what has happened with the seemingly rapid...

Problems With A High Carbohydrate Diet

going inside your brain, I’d be willing to bet that your favorite foods to “enjoy” or “treat yourself with” are carbohydrates. I’ll even go one step further and say that they are processed carbohydrates. Snickers bars, M&Ms, Reese’s Pieces, cake, pie, etc. These are everyone’s rewarding foods, and they turn to them for social, emotional, and biochemical reasons. However, since we are currently in an obesity pandemic, which doesn’t seem to be improving any time soon, it is time we take a good, long look at just how many carbohydrates we are consuming. Firstly, there are many reasons why we...

Paleo Protein Powders

This is a key point to remember. Despite all the marketing hype, there are (unsurprisingly) major downsides to these protein powders. To start with, they are anything but real food. Nowhere is there a whey protein isolate tree. There are not chickens laying protein powder eggs. This immediately places them as a sub-par choice in a good, real food based diet. Lets get into a little biochemistry to fully understand why. What's The Source? With most Paleo protein powders consisting mainly of whey protein, I will start with the obvious fact that whey is derived from dairy. Dairy, while sometimes...

Review: “Paleo Grilling”

There are a plethora of paleo cookbooks on the market today, and it can be tough to choose which ones are worth your time and money. Paleo Grilling by Tony Federico is unique because it offers a take on how to grill your paleo foods (keep in mind grilling is not the healthiest way to cook things, but c'est la vie). I will admit that I had not thought of many of these ideas prior to reading this book, and I commend Tony on putting out an original product here. Chef James Phelan worked with Tony on the recipes, and...

Pizza: A Slice Of Obesity

When we think of health food, we aren'™t thinking of pizza. And yet, a recent study confirmed that pizza is the second leading source of calories for America's children.1 Every day, 20% of children eat pizza. That'™s 1 in 5. Every day. Since pizza is very low in nutrients, and very high in empty calories, it should come as no surprise that pizza is a big contributor to childhood obesity.2 The only higher source of calories in children comes from grain desserts (cookies and similar sweets).3 Adults are often told to lead by example when it comes to their children,...

Review: “The Homegrown Paleo Cookbook”

I were to say that there have been one-too-many paleo books out recently, I may be making the understatement of the century. And if I were to say that every time I took a breath, a new cookbook came out, I may be making the second-biggest understatement of the century. And yet, with all that over-saturation, Diana Rodgers™ new book, The Homegrown Paleo Cookbook completely blew me away. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that Diana is indeed the real deal. She raises her own animals, grows her own vegetables she is as paleo as it gets in...

Lose Weight And Keep It Off?

If this is a goal you are after, you may not want to read the rest of today'™s piece! That is because brand new research has pointed out that the odds of going from obese to a normal weight and staying there are vanishingly slim.2, 3 For men, the odds are 1 in 210, and for women the odds are 1 in 124. That’s less than 1%  no matter what gender you are. So how do we beat these (very depressing) odds? Quite simply, by following a Paleo diet! By consuming foods that are high in satiety and nutrients, we...

Review: “The Whole30”

Unless you've been living under a rock, by now you have heard about the Whole30. Heck, even Will Ferrell tweeted about it. It is safe to say that Melissa and Dallas Hartwig's 30 day transformation program has taken the world completely by storm. Currently sitting at #1 of ALL books at, The Whole30: The 30-Day Guide to Total Health and Food Freedom is already setting the world on fire  and it’s only been out for 24 hours. If you are still somehow unfamiliar, let me sum up the basic tenet of what makes The Whole30 so successful it's not...

Stop Resisting! Leptin Resistance And Fat

are undoubtedly many distinct variables, which each play a role, in the development of obesity. Whether it is too much sugar (usually leading to insulin resistance), too many calories, or simply a lack of exercise – obesity can result from a multitude of causative factors. However, one interesting variable that has come into light in the scientific community, is a hormone called leptin. The rate of an individual's leptin production is related to adiposity, but a large portion of the interindividual variability in plasma leptin concentration is independent of the percentage of body fat. Obese individuals typically have large amounts of leptin, however, their brain usually cannot...

Sugar: Is It A Drug?

We are all familiar with the sweet taste and nostalgia surrounding our favorite sugary beverages, pastries and manufactured concoctions. We should also, hopefully, be familiar with just how detrimental sugar's effects can be. It is jokingly batted about as a societally-accepted addiction, and as a harmless way to have fun. I’m sure many of us remember Friday nights as kids, drinking tons of soda, eating junk food and watching movies or running around with friends. As a once-in-a-while indulgence, this typically has no detrimental long-term effects. However, when those fun summer nights turn into daily, unending sugar binges“ then we...

Carbs Wreck The Brain

It may come as a surprise to you that our brain handles the foods we ingest differently. Less of a surprise is the brain's response to foods in obese individuals compared to healthy. One prime example of this, is carbohydrates. One of the three main macronutrients, carbohydrates, especially the simple, man-made kind, are no doubt 21st-century man's favorite dietary indulgence. Do you crave broccoli? Hard to resist kale? I didn't think so. However, replace the words œbroccoli and œkale with œReese'™s Pieces and œM&Ms€ and we have a different situation altogether. The combination of sugar and fat, in just the right proportion (known in...

Apple Cider Vinegar: Part 1

alternative and paleo circles for quite some time now. It is a type of vinegar made from apple must or cider, and will usually be pale or moderately amber in color. One important element to look for in apple cider vinegar is the ˜mother. This is found in organic and unpasteurized apple cider vinegar and has a cobweb-like look. This is similar to kombucha. The liquid from crushed apples have yeast and bacteria added, which causes fermentation to occur. The sugars then turn into alcohol. Next, acetobacter (bacteria) turns the alcohol into vinegar. Vinegar, in turn, contains a large amount of...

Death By Fructose: The Toxin To Avoid

Fructose consumption is detrimental, even poisonous, to one's health. However, what many people continue to overlook, is that there are many different types of sugar. And one of these, fructose, is by far the most detrimental to your health. Excess fructose, I would argue, could be classified as chronically toxic. Meaning that a small, infrequent overdose of fructose likely won’t cause problems. But, a lifetime of fructose, in excess, can cause diseases of a wide variety. What exactly is fructose? Well, to answer that question, we need to get into a little bit of chemistry. There is glucose, which is...

Apple Cider Vinegar: Part 2

apple cider vinegar were covered. Read on to learn how to use apple cider vinegar, get valuable recipes, and learn how to decide if you should include it in your daily regimen. How To Use It When starting to use apple cider vinegar, it is best to try a small amount, about half of a teaspoon. Many bloggers have noted that a straw may be best, in order to avoid potential acidity to teeth. There are many different ways to take apple cider vinegar, and the most common is to buy the organic, unpasteurized variety. If one is to purchase...

Diet And Mental Health: What You Need To Know

Do you someone who consumes energy drinks, and drinks alcohol frequently? I think we can all answer a definitive “yes” to that question. Sadly, in America, this is almost the norm when it comes to lifestyle choices. But what is this type of day in and day out consumption doing to our brain cells? It must be having an adverse effect, right? Though the scientific community has been seeing the link between diet and mental health for many years now, the general public is now also starting to come around to the idea that these two elements may indeed be...

Bone Broth: Super Food, Or Super Hoax?

as to what exactly bone broth is. Stock, bouillon, consommé, brodo, broth — what exactly is the difference? Most people think they’re all the same thing. This is decidedly not true, however. By starting with the bones of an animal (grassfed and organic makes a huge difference here) you will get the most nutrients in your bone broth – almost all store bought brands lack this key sourcing. In addition, a long cooking time will help break the bones down, releasing nutrients and minerals, and also helping to ease digestion of nutrient-rich collagen, gelatin, and glucosamine (all found within bone...

Eat Your Vegetables!

There may not be a more agreed-upon nutritional choice, across the board, than daily intake of vegetables.1 From our parents, to our grandparents, we likely always heard eat your vegetables at every meal. It turns out that they were on to something.2 Researchers found a hugely protective effect of vegetable consumption for cancers of the stomach, esophagus, lung, oral cavity and pharynx, endometrium, pancreas, and colon.3, 4 Not too shabby. Unfortunately, the vast majority of us are not taking their time-honored advice. As researchers have found, there is a huge gap between the average consumption of vegetables in Americans compared...

Caffeine And The Brain: Part 1

Before switching to a Paleo Diet, many of us drank coffee on a regular basis. If not coffee, maybe an energy drink, espresso, or a diet or regular soda. All of these beverages have one thing in common: caffeine. Caffeine is the world's most popular psychoactive drug. Though a small amount (about 10%) of humans do not consume any of the stimulant, worldwide consumption is enough to make the average caffeine intake equivalent to about one drink, per person, per day. With over 7 billion people in the world that'™s a LOT of caffeine. Caffeine is derived from plants, and acts as a pesticide. If...

Fight Inflammation With A Paleo Diet

Most athletes are well aware of a fun little word called “inflammation”.1 Tough workouts are a common cause of inflammation. Acute inflammation (the only kind most people are aware of) is actually beneficial.2, 3 But – and this is a big BUT – chronic inflammation is a killer. Literally.4, 5, 6 The difference here is important, and very misunderstood. One of the biggest health benefits of consuming a Paleo diet comes from its anti-inflammatory nature.7, 8, 9 By fixing the Standard American Diet (SAD) ratio of high omega-6 to low omega-3, nearly everyone sees improvements.10, 11 But before we proceed...

Caffeine And The Brain: Part 2

In Caffeine and the Brain: Part 1, we looked at how caffeine has become a universal habit and why it can be detrimental to achieving maximal health. We discussed the egregious consumption of a pesticide and stimulant, but how exactly does caffeine work, scientifically, once it gets inside our brain? It acts as a central nervous system stimulant, by binding to adenosine receptor sites, blocking adenosine from doing its job. Adenosine is an inhibitory neurotransmitter, which normally helps the body relax. This explains why caffeine causes sleep issues and alertness when sleep-deprived. Caffeine molecules are stopping adenosine from doing its job. However, your body...

Fighting Cancer, Autism And Neurodegenerative Diseases One Molecule At A Time

Most of us know eating our vegetables is good for us, but few are familiar with the copious benefits of the molecules that are contained within each vegetable.1,2,3 Take for example, sulforaphane, a molecule within the isothiocyanate group of organosulfur compounds.4,5,6 Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage all contain sulforaphane,7 among others including kale, cauliflower, radishes, broccoli raab, mustard, turnips, bok choy, collards, kohlrabi, arugula, and watercress.8 This molecule is currently being studied for its potential antioxidant properties, and how it relates to autism,10,11,12,13,14 neurodegenerative disorders, and cancers.15,16,17,18 In fact, one of the most interesting studies regarding sulforaphane was released just...

Fitness, Technology, And Tracking Workouts

revealing California, Colorado, and Washington as the three states in the U.S. with the most active populations. This analysis was based upon the length, frequency and type of exercise tracked. So those states finished first but which states came in last? That dubious distinction goes to North Dakota, South Carolina, and Delaware. In fact, of the 65 million users tracked by MyFitnessPal, 7 of the top 10 most active states were from the west coast. Does this come as a surprise? It certainly did to me! MapMyFitness also helped to combine their data set with that of MyFitnessPal, where diet...

Histamine Intolerance And The Paleo Diet

Histamine is a biogenic amine that occurs (in differing amounts) in many foods. In a person without an intolerance, exogenous histamine obtained via food can be rapidly detoxified by amine oxidases. In subjects with an intolerance, there is usually low amine oxidase activity. Diamine oxidase (DAO) is the primary enzyme which metabolizes dietary histamine. Below is a comprehensive list detailing the kinds of foods that may cause reactions in individuals with low amine oxidase activity or commonly referred to as histamine intolerance. Astute readers will note this list contains histamine-rich foods, as well as histamine-releasing foods. There are other causes of histamine intolerance,...

Honey: The Sticky Truth

As I mentioned in my lecture on the realities of food addiction, I am often asked whether honey, a common staple in contemporary Paleo Diets, is beneficial. Typically I recommend a diet low in sugar to most clients, because of the addictive and rewarding properties of the substance. This means honey, which is mostly sugar, typically gets the thumbs down as well. In fact, honey is about 40% fructose, 200% sweeter than glucose, which is found in less sweet carbohydrate sources, and can be used by every cell in your body for energy. This is in contrast to fructose, which...

Gluten And The Brain

the plethora of benefits supported by scientific evidence,1 Gluten-free diets have been gaining in popularity in recent years.2 Studies range from gastrointestinal symptom improvement,3 to possible correlations with autism,4 and diabetes.5 However, there may not be a more fascinating area of gluten study than how the protein composite can be related to cognitive function.6 One study shows large changes in brain tissue, specifically, white matter, in those who are sensitive to gluten.7 Gluten MRI Gluten and White Matter in the Brain Why is this an important discovery? White matter is actively involved in neurogenesis, or “the growth of new neurons.”8,...

How Modern Light Is Causing Sleep Loss And Making Us Sick

There are many ways in which our Paleolithic ancestors lived completely different lives than we do, in our modern, hyper-digital world.1, 2, 3, 4 Perhaps one of the most interesting factors may be the amount of light which we are exposed to, on a near endless basis.5, 6 And I don't mean healthy, vitamin D endowing sunlight. I mean artificial, man-made, sometimes cancerous light.7 In fact, modern life typically gives us inadequate exposure to natural light during the day, and also overexposes us to artificial light at inappropriate times (after sunset).8 Study after study has shown this imbalance has possible...

How To Lower Stress

All of us are stressed. In fact, though many health professionals know the answer to the question of how to lower stress they are still over-stressed. Stress is likely our generation's biggest enemy, as we now live in a world rife with over-stimulation. We have constant e-mails, notifications on our phones, television, multiple streams of social media, noise pollution, demanding schedules, and children. Though we might not think we're stressed, when we list all of the stressful elements placed upon us, the evidence is overwhelming. While this could be problematic, there are a number of easy ways to lower our...

How To Not Get Sick

these are not pleasant experiences. Though modern medicine has progressed, we have yet to find cures for basic of ailments like the common cold. And imagine the potential money that could be made. This type of condition is one where good, consistent nutrition, and smart supplementation, may actually be your best defense. But what vitamins and supplements will work? Nearly everyone has likely heard of the theory that mega-doses of vitamin C may cure a cold. This theory was first purported by Linus Pauling. As the only winner of two unshared Nobel Prizes, Pauling's contributions to the world at large...

Autoimmune Diseases And Diet

One of the worst things you can deal with on a day-to-day basis. Fatigue, fever, malaise, joint pain, and rashes are just some of the symptoms that sufferers must endure. Autoimmune diseases cover a wide range of conditions. Here is a long, but by no means, comprehensive list: alopecia areata autoimmune hemolytic anemia autoimmune hepatitis dermatomyositis diabetes (type 1) some forms of juvenile idiopathic arthritis glomerulonephritis Graves disease Guillain-Barré syndrome idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura myasthenia gravis some forms of myocarditis multiple sclerosis pemphigus/pemphigoid pernicious anemia polyarteritis nodosa polymyositis primary biliary cirrhosis psoriasis rheumatoid arthritis scleroderma/systemic sclerosis Sjogren's syndrome systemic lupus erythematosus some...

Is Cortisol Your Worst Enemy?

Cortisol may be the most familiar to you. It also may be the hidden element that is making you fat. Do you wake up every morning, already feeling like you are behind? Do you rush from your morning routine, to the car, to lunch and then stay up way too late on Facebook? You are certainly not alone. However, all of this activity (and lack of proper rest) throws your delicate hormonal system out of balance. Cortisol is a crucial element in regulating energy, insulin, metabolism and other processes within the body. And its dysregulation can spell trouble for your...

Addicted To Exercise?

Having trained over 100 clients and being in fitness/nutrition field for a long time now, I have certainly seen an interesting array of characters and behavior. Though there is indeed a rash of humans who do not seem to believe in exercise or activity at all, there is also an opposite end of the spectrum, where folks don't seem to realize there is indeed a limit to how much they can, and should, work out. As most people know, there is a chemical cascade of changes that occur when exercise begins and even after it ends. It is the only...

8 Tips For Better, More Effective Sleep

Not being able to sleep is one of the worst feelings in the world. And, in fact, you are doing lots of damage to your health by not being able to sleep. Many are simply unaware of the metabolic, neurologic and long-term consequences of sleep loss. And yet most of us are sleep deprived. This would help explain our widespread addiction to caffeine. And in today's hyper-digital, fast-paced world, a good night's sleep is more necessary than ever. Do you remember how you slept as a child? Undisturbed, easily, and restfully? You still need that level of sleep as an...

Anti-Aging And The Paleo Diet

New and exciting discoveries in the scientific field aside, it is important to note that a healthy lifestyle is the number one way to prevent both disease and aging.6 In fact, oncologists found of all cancer-related deaths, as many as 30–35% are linked to diet.7 Anti-Aging Figure 1 Many mechanisms induce the process of aging,8 including the gene, TAp63, as a possible critical element.9 Described as a ‘master transcriptional regulator of lipid and glucose metabolism,â10 the theory has merit. Anti-Aging Figure 2 High docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) content combats the aging process, placing wild-caught fish near the top of the list.11...

6 Scientifically-Backed Ways To Burn Fat

Fat loss: is there a more coveted health goal in the world? Many of us are not losing weight for somewhat obscure reasons, so be sure to read my article on that, before proceeding further here. Once you've done that, take a look at these steps, and if you're feeling extra bold,“ start doing all six of them regularly to really ramp up your fat loss! I'll also warn you that there are no™t any œlose 10 pounds in 5 seconds gimmicks or scams here just real advice, backed by science“ that works! I've personally helped thousands of people lose...

Anti-Inflammatory Effects Of A Ketogenic Diet

Many are aware that ketogenic diets offer a plethora of health benefits.1,2,3,4,5 Among the ketogenic diet'™s best properties are its anti-inflammatory effects.6,7 However, despite the emerging popularity of the diet, the scientific community is still relatively uncertain about the exact beneficial mechanisms behind this dietary approach.8,9,10 Recently however, a new study was published which looked at the potential mechanisms underlying the specific anti-inflammatory properties of ketosis.11 For those unfamiliar, a ketogenic diet is one which contains very little if any€“ carbohydrate.12 One classic example of this dietary approach is seen in the Inuit people.13 The Inuit are indigenous people, who...

5 Overlooked Foods And Nutrients

Foods like kale, grassfed beef, wild caught fish and others, some foods still go unrecognized. Though I don’t agree with the term “superfood”, the Paleo community has definitely overlooked some excellent dietary choices. Now, perhaps I am biased, but I don’t see many people eating oysters on a regular basis. Nor do I see chicken hearts eaten regularly. Though some people may consume them, I don’t see them touted about with the regularity of essentials such as eggs (great for their choline content, a precursor to the organic molecule acetylcholine, which is a neurotransmitter used by many cells). It is...

Anti-Nutrients: Should You Worry?

or Paleo lifestyle, sooner or later they come across the concept of ‘anti-nutrients’. Anti-nutrients are generally defined as “natural or synthetic compounds that interfere with the absorption of nutrients”. Anti-nutrients decrease bioavailability of nutrients by modifying the molecular structure, or by hindering digestion and/or absorption of foods. A real-world example of an anti-nutrient in effect would be seen in Nigeria, as stated in this study. I’ve highlighted the most important parts: “Plant protein is the cheapest source of protein available to mankind but unfortunately the protein is accompanied by antinutrients. The quantity of oxalate and tannin in acha, bambara groundnut, guinea corn, millet,...

5 Fat-Burning Recipes

it comes to fat, we can universally agree that we all want less of it. But many of us lose our way on just what to eat in order to achieve this goal. It turns out that fat loss is best achieved by keeping protein high, healthy fats high and sugar low. So we need recipes that have large amounts of protein, large amounts of healthy fats, and small amounts of fat-promoting sugar. This means lots of avocados, tuna, grassfed beef and coconut oil, among others. These 5 recipes will help you burn fat, leading to a leaner, meaner version...

5 Reasons Why You Need To Unplug

Today I'll cover why all this digital stimulation isn't exactly ideal and offer tips on how to be more active. Some of these reasons you will know and agree with but you may not be practicing them! Sometimes it is easier said than done, but don€'t worry, we've all been there! Let€'s start with some stats on just how much screen time we indulge in and what this is doing to our brains! Researchers have found that Internet addiction is associated with structural and functional changes in brain regions involving emotional processing, executive attention, decision-making and cognitive control. And I...

3 Top Veggies For Brain Health

When it comes to worrisome potential health problems, none may be more feared than neurodegenerative diseases. The loss of our brain’s function is a horrifying prospect for most of us, and more than ever, we are interested in just how we can prevent it. It turns out that our high carbohydrate/low fat diets have in fact been instrumental in increasing the rates of these conditions, rather than decreasing them. So what should we eat for optimal brain health? Well, besides keeping sugar down and chowing down on brain optimizing fats like coconut oil, we should consume vegetables -€“ quite a...

5 Easy Tips To Stay Healthy At Work

The answer, it turns out, is a little bit of both. Our jobs mainly consist of a lot of sitting. Unfortunately, sedentary work does not leave a lot of room for play and exercise. We have slowly changed our habits since the 1950s, though the roots of our ill health go back much further than that. To understand why and how our jobs are unhealthy, we need to review a little bit of history. Remember When? As Americans became much more comfortable following World War II (emotionally, physically, mentally and economically) we saw a shift in targeting by the media....

4 Paleo Cornerstones To Increase Your Metabolism

Many individuals who are desperate to lose weight do not realize that they can -€“ and should - eat lots of calories. Crash diets do not work, when it comes to long term fat loss. In fact, they usually have the opposite effect -€“ weight and fat gain. There are, however, some very easy tricks to incorporate into your routine to help ramp up your metabolism. However, as a disclaimer, if you're after a quick fix to mimic the effects of steroids or other illegal drugs, you'll be looking at a harsh reality dead in the eyes. These drugs are...

20 Clever Ways To Use Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Most of us think of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) as something healthy that can be added to meals or drizzled over salads. And while the monounsaturated fats found EVOO are great for these purposes, there are quite a few more uses for this heart-healthy oil. Today we will cover 20 uncommon ways you may not have thought of to use EVOO around the house, on your skin and even on doors (seriously!). So read on and find out which of these ways you could try! 1. Use Extra Virgin Olive Oil for a Soothing Bath While most of us usually...

10 Ways To Get Six Pack Abs

There may not be a single more-sought-after commodity in the world than six pack abs. And yet when it comes to actually getting them, most are completely clueless on how to go about it. A universal symbol of health, six pack abs are found on everyone from movie stars, to fitness competitors, to cartoon characters. Back in the Paleolithic era, we all likely had six pack abs. Before our modern world of sedentary lifestyles, super sized sodas, and television, we ate enough to survive and moved around quite a bit. Now not so much. There are a wide variety of...

10 Ways To Save Time Every Day

It's hard to think of a time when we were more pressed for extra moments in the day. Not only do most jobs require us to work beyond a 40-hour week, we now have Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to keep up with. And that is a bare minimum social media regimen. If one is to explore beyond those basic platforms, there is a treasure trove of time-wasting material out there. So, more than ever before we are hard-pressed to save time. Every little bit counts! Luckily, we've found some tricks that will help you to easily shave minutes even hours off...

11 Healthy Alternatives To Coffee

While most of us love the caffeine-soaked buzz of coffee, we also recognize that it may not be the healthiest of beverages. Too much coffee can make us anxious, unable to sleep, and may keep our stress hormones burning all day long. Whatever your motivation, there are lots of good reasons to give up coffee. Here are 11 alternatives that can help you get off of the hard stuffâ. 1. Teeccino This is typically what I have most clients go with if they are coming off of a strong coffee addiction, or simply really enjoy the mouthfeel of coffee. There are...

11 Tips To Grow Your Hair Faster

Hair loss is one of the unfortunate things many people experience as they grow older. While there is definitely no cure for baldness yet (since so many things can cause it to occur) there are definitely steps that can be taken to ensure better hair regrowth. The good news is that by just following a Paleo diet, you increase your chances of hair regrowth. The trick is to make sure we are still getting enough carbohydrates. Since a low-carb approach can cause an excess of cortisol (one of the body’s main stress hormones), and this excess stress can lead to hair loss,...

20 Things You Didn’t Know About Nuts

why they are eating them. There are many scientific properties behind nuts – and even behind eating too many of them. Since this is a common fallacy when it comes to the paleo diet, it is ideal to figure out why eating too many nuts is a problem, scientifically. Another issue commonly seen – are some nuts actually legumes? And can you survive by only eating nuts? I will answer these – and many other questions – in the following list of nutty facts! Brazil Nuts: Probably The Best Nut You're Not Eating Besides being high in selenium – which...

10 Effective HIIT Workouts

HIIT has gained in popularity as our time has become increasingly encroached upon, by modern stressors and demands. For those who may not know what HIIT exactly consists of, I'll explain. A standard workout used to consist of maybe a jog, followed by a bodybuilding style weight training circuit. Whether it consisted of free weights or machines, the actual progression and design of the workout never really differed all that much. With CrossFit and metabolic conditioning switching things up a bit, these workouts have become slightly less popular, but only slightly. For the majority of exercisers out there, they still...